
Transmedia projects developed during the year:

AHP (Aurora Hunger Project)

Driving question: How can we educate our community on the problem of hunger in our area?
Website: The Aurora Hunger Project
Character Twitter handles: @TAH_Project (for disseminating information about AHP and to invite people into the story)
@silas_rosserAHP (Silas Rosser, hungry 13-year-old)
@Corey_Longmire (Corey Longmire, hungry unemployed adult)
@hateomernandez (Mateo Hernández, hungry 8-year-old)
Story Bible 

FASA (Fighting Against Student Abuse)

Driving question: How are we going to decrease bullying in surrounding schools?
Website: FASA
Discord channel: Sadie’s Shack
Character Twitter handles: @FASAteens (for disseminating information about FASA, and to invite people into the story)
@WellImSadie (Sadie Wells, bullied teen)
@GGRRAANNTT_ (teen bullying Sadie)
Mindmap (flow between various media pieces of the project)
Story Outline
Story Bible



Jonas “Emo” Memes