Meliora is offering three courses for students aged 12-18 for the 2022-2023 academic year.

We will answer the question “How has mass media shaped the social, cultural and political frontiers of America?” in our US History course. In addition to our whole-class studies and discussions, students will develop, either individually or in a small team, a project per semester which investigates a “frontier” topic of their interest.

Daughter of Fog — explorations of fantasy storytelling is this year’s language arts course. We will explore the fantasy genre, reading novels, watching movies and writing our own fantasy short stories.

What does Sophie know about philosophy? is our inaugural Western Philosophy course, for students aged 14 and older. Using Sophie’s World as our core text, we will learn about the major Western philosophers and apply their principles by developing potential solutions to real-world problems.

For more details about the course structure and content, please click on the links embedded above. Each course fulfills one credit. Please reach out to Charlene with any questions you have.

The logistical information is as follows:
C​lasses will be held each Thursday. Miz J (Charlene Doland) will video conference with the students. The class schedule is as follows (all times are presented in Central time):
8:00am-9:30am    Western Philosophy
10:00am-noon       US History
1:00pm-03:00pm Language Arts
The first class will be September 8, and the last class will be May 11. We will have breaks at Thanksgiving and Christmas, as well as a Spring break at the end of March.

Register your students between the ages of 12 and 18 here.